A Review of “Everyday Tarot”

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The Everyday Tarot Mini Tarot Deck is a great mini Tarot deck from Running Press. I have intentionally skipped the author(s) as they are not mentioned anywhere on the box or in the book. It’s thick, it looks nice, it includes a great box (once you get into it), and the included resources are enough to really get started. The imagery is minimalistic without sacrificing clarity or depth.

This is one of my favorite Tarot decks, along with the Shadowscape Tarot. I’d say this is my favorite traditional Tarot deck by far though. The art is beautiful and simple in the best ways. The deck is well crafted and high quality.

About the Deck

When I last heard about this deck, I thought it was a bit of a minimalist Tarot deck, which I’m not fond of. It is a minimalist deck in some ways, but it does so by simplifying the art and the meaning behind the cards rather than taking a reductionist approach. The art is gorgeous, but simple.

It uses a mix of royal purple, gold, and white to illustrate each card. The purple and gold manage to not conflict thanks to the subtle balance of the brightness of the gold and the depth of the purple. Each card features a silhouetted version of the usual imagery. This deck doesn’t take any shortcuts, it just eliminates needless details.

The deck is made of a very heavy, vinyl or plastic which makes it feel extremely high quality compared to many Tarot decks which use laminated paper. I can’t find information on the exact material, but suffice it to say, the cards are sturdy.

The box is actually good enough to continue using regularly. It’s a bit hard to open for some people, but it just takes pulling the tape dots off carefully on both sides of the top. If you do it right, the box is great and makes transporting the deck easy.

It also includes a card about doing a reading, and a card with 2 basic spreads. This may not be enough to really go too far in depth, but it’s more than enough for a novice or an advanced learner who won’t need it. This is a deck and a quick guide, so don’t expect too much from the materials.


The cards are solid and I’ve already touched on the imagery already. But, most Tarot decks suffer from being too creative (like the Shadowscape Tarot deck), or too minimalistic to treat as “traditional” Tarot. Most books are based on interpreting something like the Rider Waite Tarot Deck, so having something more traditional means more available materials.

Traditional Tarot descriptions seem absurd with some decks on the market. Even the Shadowscape Tarot has a bit of a disconnect with traditional Tarot. That isn’t a bad thing, but means any external materials may not be applicable. The Everyday Tarot doesn’t have this problem.

The imagery in the Everyday Tarot feels like the Rider Waite or a similarly quintessential deck translated to a different art style rather than a reinterpretation. Each card captures the essence of the more occult depictions of Tarot cards. This makes the cards easier to read and easier to apply, especially with other resources.

Why I Bought the Deck

I originally thought this deck was going to be a bit too minimalistic, but after a bit of research, I decided it was worth taking a gamble on. I’m really glad I did so. The deck is great quality and the imagery fits more traditional resources. The cards are extremely thick and solid.

The little booklet is good enough as a quick reference, and fits in the box so I keep them together. The whole package makes it even more attractive. Even if it were just a deck, I would have gone for it. Its aesthetics make it even better. The colors should clash, but they just create a nuanced contrast. You can tell the cards were made to take a beating from the quality as well.

I’m absolutely in love with this deck. I haven’t touched another since getting it. The imagery just makes sense without feeling overbearing. Spiritual readings work as well as mundane ones. The descriptions fit the cards, as does the imagery. Everything is in its place as it should be.


Do you want a small deck? This deck can easily slip into a backpack or even a big enough pocket in a hoodie or similar. It’s small and unintrusive in any bag. Everything fits in tightly and can survive a bit of abuse.

The box uses plastic to protect the cards, with a solid cardboard and plastic case around all of it. Its case is sealed with a magnet, but I would recommend tossing on a rubber band or a scrunchie just in case. The quality is good, but not really superb, but at the price, I didn’t expect as much.

A lot of people hate the box. The box was easy to get open for me, but I’m sure in more humid weather under worse conditions the tabs would be a nightmare to remove. Once you get the tabs off, it’s easy.

Is It Right For You?

If you want a good Tarot deck and don’t mind a mini, this is an amazing deck. It just feels right every time I use it. The imagery connects with the interpretations and everything reads like it should. I took a chance with this deck, but I don’t regret it (unlike some decks).

They say this is a deck for novices or advanced Tarot readers and I strongly agree. The imagery is minimalistic without losing definition. Each card makes sense for its interpretation and can be used with other Tarot references. Everything just works together for this deck.

The deck is also very aesthetic with the coloration and the design. If you want luxurious, royal colors, this is the deck for you. The royal purple, muted gold, and soft white just work with this deck. Every design is well thought out, and the imagery remains consistent. I’d recommend this deck to anyone looking for a Tarot deck.

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